As a Wellness & Nutrition Coach, I’m obsessed with helping women tackle their 20s & 30s (and sometimes beyond) with grace, humor, healthy habits, and an attitude of self-love. Together, we learn to look at personal wellness as a series of actively pursued goals that are within our control. We learn how to nourish our bodies with whole plant foods while maintaining a positive relationship with ”fun” or convenient foods. We incorporate enjoyable movement, self-care, and mental health support into our daily routines in ways that spark joy. My goal is to empower you to create and maintain a healthy lifestyle that gives you the strength, energy, & confidence to go after your wildest dreams!

Sunday Jul 18, 2021
14. Plant Protein, Part 1
Sunday Jul 18, 2021
Sunday Jul 18, 2021
One of the biggest questions I get (I'm sure you can guess) is, "How do you know you're getting enough protein on a plant-based diet?" Well, here's my answer! Today we're tackling:
- How much protein do I need?
- Why would I get it from plants?
- What are some good sources of plant protein?
- How can I make balanced, protein-rich meals?
Make sure you return next week, where I dive into specific plant-protein topics like "complete proteins," soy, protein powder, and collagen supplements.
Left with questions or thoughts? Finding this info helpful? I'd love for you to share that with me!! Head over to Instagram and find me at @bewellwithsteph_ (You can comment on a recent post, share a screenshot of this episode, DM me, or tag me in your post!)
Visit www.bewellwithsteph.com for more about coaching opportunities, the Be Well Together membership, special events, my blog, & more. :)
Featured song: "Be Well" by Sara Elizabeth feat. Ethos Logos Pathos Music - find Sara Elizabeth on social @saraemusic

Sunday Jul 11, 2021
13.Reasons You Might Be Overeating (and what to do about it!)
Sunday Jul 11, 2021
Sunday Jul 11, 2021
This week's episode is a little different - I'm sharing audio from one of my favorite Instagram lives! Did you know I host a live "coffee chat" on Instagram every week?? I love to answer your questions, hear about your week/current goals, chat more about the week's podcast topic... you should join us sometime! Make sure you're following along.
In this specific chat, I talk through some of the big struggles when it comes to overeating and offer tips on how to prevent it. We want to keep ourselves feeling good and nourished, and I'm hoping this will help!
*Eating habits and struggles are unique to each individual. These are just general thoughts! Working with a Nutrition Coach can offer personalized support and strategies that work for YOU. If you'd like to chat about nutrition coaching, you can book a free Discover Call any time by visiting www.bewellwithsteph.com/workwithme
Interested in joining us in Be Well Together, my monthly membership program for creating a healthy lifestyle you love? July is going to be all about Summer Socializing! Head to www.bewellwithsteph.com/together to start your FREE TRIAL. :)
Featured song: "Be Well" by Sara Elizabeth feat. Ethos Logos Pathos Music - find Sara Elizabeth on social @saraemusic

Sunday Jul 04, 2021
12. Summer Fun Ideas (that still support your wellness goals!)
Sunday Jul 04, 2021
Sunday Jul 04, 2021
I’ve put together a list for you of summer fun ideas that get you moving, keep you inspired, and encourage healthy habits. Whether you’re looking for things to do with your significant other, friends, family, dog, or by yourself, I’m hoping these activities will inspire you to have some fun in a new way!
If you try out one of these ideas, you know I'd love to hear about it! Head over to Instagram and find me at @bewellwithsteph_ (You can comment on a recent post, share a screenshot of this episode, or tag me in your post!!)
Ready to fall in love with Buffalo Gal Skincare the way I have?? Click HERE & make sure you use the code BEWELLWITHSTEPH for your 15% savings
Visit www.bewellwithsteph.com for more about coaching opportunities, the Be Well Together membership, special events, my blog, & more. :)
Featured song: "Be Well" by Sara Elizabeth feat. Ethos Logos Pathos Music - find Sara Elizabeth on social @saraemusic

Sunday Jun 27, 2021
11. Simple Dishes for Summer Potlucks
Sunday Jun 27, 2021
Sunday Jun 27, 2021
Happy Veganversary to meeeee! :) At the time this is dropping, I’m celebrating 4 years vegan! What a JOURNEY, folks. And what better time than now to share with you some of my favorite vegan/plant-based recipes?!
And spoiler alert: I. Never. Bring. The. Veggies. You’ll have to give a listen, learn why, and see what I bring instead!
Here are a couple of the recipes I mention:
Interested in joining us in Be Well Together, my monthly membership program for creating a healthy lifestyle you love? July is going to be all about Summer Socializing! Head to www.bewellwithsteph.com/together to start your FREE TRIAL. :)
I want to see all the delish things you’re making this summer - make sure you tag me on Instagram @bewellwithsteph_ so I can see & share your goodness!
Featured song: "Be Well" by Sara Elizabeth feat. Ethos Logos Pathos Music - find Sara Elizabeth on social @saraemusic

Sunday Jun 20, 2021
10. What’s On My Grocery List? Tips for Healthy Eating On a Budget!
Sunday Jun 20, 2021
Sunday Jun 20, 2021
Do you feel like it’s expensive to eat healthily? Then this is DEFINITELY the episode for you! I’ve been eating a (mostly) whole food, plant-based diet for about four years now on a Catholic-school-teacher-turned-small-business-owner budget, and I’m ready to show you my ways!
I’m dropping 5 reasons your current healthy shopping might be getting pricey, AND 5 categories of foods that are always on my list!
*It doesn’t need to be complex to be effective.*
Want more help shopping? Grab my Free Grocery Guide here!
Find me at @bewellwithsteph_ where I have IGTV Grocery Hauls so you can SEE what I’m shopping for & loving, too! (You can comment on those videos, or share a screenshot of this episode or a fav IGTV & tag me!)
Visit www.bewellwithsteph.com for more about coaching opportunities, special events, & my blog.
Featured song: "Be Well" by Sara Elizabeth feat. Ethos Logos Pathos Music - find Sara Elizabeth on social @saraemusic

Tuesday Jun 15, 2021
9. Guided Meditation for Mornings
Tuesday Jun 15, 2021
Tuesday Jun 15, 2021
This episode is special.
I’m sharing with you my own morning meditation, adapted from a variety of different versions that I’ve found inspirational. My hope is that it will provide you with some peace, centering, and focused energy to begin your day. <3
If it speaks to you, I’d encourage you to download the episode & save it to listen to (occasionally or regularly) as part of your morning routine or rituals. Mindfulness meditations are well-researched and provide some truly incredible benefits to your all aspects of your health: emotional, physical, cognitive, spiritual, social… You can read more about them here.
It would mean so much to me to hear how you felt about this meditation, or what effects it had on your morning. Find me at @bewellwithsteph_ (You can comment on a recent post, share a screenshot of this episode, or send me a dm.)
Visit www.bewellwithsteph.com for more about coaching opportunities, special events, & my blog.
Looking for more community? Join my Monthly Membership, Be Well Together!
Featured song: "Be Well" by Sara Elizabeth feat. Ethos Logos Pathos Music - find Sara Elizabeth on social @saraemusic

Sunday Jun 06, 2021
8. 10 Ways to Start Journaling When You Feel Like You Have Nothing to Say
Sunday Jun 06, 2021
Sunday Jun 06, 2021
Journaling can be an incredible way to outline your goals, foster a positive mindset, learn to handle your emotions, sort out your thoughts, process difficult events, record your memories and experiences… But when you are staring at a blank page, how do you know how to begin?? I can definitely feel overwhelming!
I hope this episode will remove any mental block to have around journaling, show you the value in it that you may not have thought of before, and help you begin to put pen to paper in a variety of meaningful ways.
Do you keep a journal? Does one of these suggestions inspire you? I'd love to hear! Head over to Instagram and find me at @bewellwithsteph_ (You can comment on a recent post, share a screenshot of this episode, or show us your journal. Don’t forget to tag me so I can repost!)
Ready to fall in love with Buffalo Gal Skincare the way I have?? Click HERE & make sure you use the code BEWELLWITHSTEPH for your 15% savings
Visit www.bewellwithsteph.com for more about coaching opportunities, special events, & my blog.
Looking for more community? Join my Monthly Membership, Be Well Together!
Featured song: "Be Well" by Sara Elizabeth feat. Ethos Logos Pathos Music - find Sara Elizabeth on social @saraemusic

Sunday May 30, 2021
7. What "Balanced Meals" Means & How to Build them Quickly
Sunday May 30, 2021
Sunday May 30, 2021
I often see people post and talk about eating “balanced meals” and I think we need to give a little clarity to that phrase. I’m sharing with you two BIG IDEAS that guide the way I plan and prepare meals, as well as my framework for doing it on the fly. Hopefully this will take away the guesswork, reduce meal planning stress, and help you manage your own hunger and energy on a regular basis.
Don’t forget about the Habit Stacking Challenge I’m hosting June 7th-11th with Becky Boland, a fellow Nutrition Coach who helps fellow female foodies ditch diets and restriction & find food freedom through self respect and body response. Join us HERE!
Thanks soooo much for tuning in. I'd love to connect! Head over to Instagram and find me at @bewellwithsteph_ (You could even share a screenshot of this episode & tag me so I can repost!)
Visit www.bewellwithsteph.com for more about coaching opportunities, special events, & my blog.
Looking for more community? Join my Monthly Membership, Be Well Together!
Featured song: "Be Well" by Sara Elizabeth feat. Ethos Logos Pathos Music - find Sara Elizabeth on social @saraemusic

Sunday May 23, 2021
6. Our Habits Make Us Stronger - INTERVIEW with Becky Boland
Sunday May 23, 2021
Sunday May 23, 2021
What happens when you connect two foodie nutrition coaches with passions for helping women find food freedom and build healthy habits?? THIS EPISODE! This is my very first interview and I could not have been more grateful to share it with my insta-bestie Becky Boland, a fellow Nutrition Coach who helps fellow female foodies ditch diets and restriction & find food freedom through self respect and body response.
Join our Habit Stacking Challenge, running June 7th-11th, HERE!
Thanks soooo much for tuning in. I'd love to connect! Head over to Instagram and find me at @bewellwithsteph_ (You could even share a screenshot of this episode & tag me so I can repost!) Be sure to follow Becky, too @foodieturnedfit.
Visit www.bewellwithsteph.com for more about coaching opportunities, special events, & my blog.
Looking for more community? Join my Facebook Group!
Featured song: "Be Well" by Sara Elizabeth feat. Ethos Logos Pathos Music - find Sara Elizabeth on social @saraemusic

Sunday May 16, 2021
5. 5 Morning Habits to Give You Control In Your Day
Sunday May 16, 2021
Sunday May 16, 2021
No more waking up at the last possible moment and rushing out the door over here… I used to feel SO out of control in my mornings because I was not prioritizing any type of morning routine. Even though the extra 15 minutes in bed gave me the illusion that I was resting, it was nowhere near as helpful to my day as the 15 minutes of morning routine could be!
In today’s episode, I’m sharing with you the five morning habits that help prepare me for my day, both mentally and physically. Your morning routine doesn’t have to look exactly like mine, but I absolutely do hope that you find a few things to incorporate into the beginning of the day that make you feel centered and bring you some energy, and some joy.
Click here for some more interesting info on tidying your space to "tidy" your mind.
You can see the skin care line I'm obsessed with HERE! Use the code BEWELLWITHSTEPH at checkout for 15% off. (You're welcome.)
Thanks soooo much for tuning in. I'd love to connect! Head over to Instagram and find me at @bewellwithsteph_ (You could even share a screenshot of this episode & tag me so I can repost!)
Visit www.bewellwithsteph.com for more about coaching opportunities, special events, & my blog.
Looking for more community? Join my Facebook Group!
Featured song: "Be Well" by Sara Elizabeth feat. Ethos Logos Pathos Music - find Sara Elizabeth on social @saraemusic